CRP Guidelines
Camera Ready Paper (CRP) guidelines
Please check the following before submitting final camera paper:
1. Please make sure that the plagiarism score of the camera ready paper is below 25%
2. All the figure, tables are numbered properly in order and captioned
3. All the figures and tables given in the paper are cited in the text in appropriate places. (This is very important that all the figures/tables should be mentioned in the text)
4. The title of the paper and authors names and affiliations are correct with proper spacing and perfect details.
5. E-mail id of the corresponding author has been provided before the abstract.
6. Title should be clear and reflect the content of the paper precisely.
7. Author(s) name and affiliations are in order (Do not include the designation of authors such as Lecturer, Professor, Research scholar, student and so on..)
8. Do not include prefix to any authors such as Dr., Mr and so on..
9. Please pay attention and ensure the the language of the paper is good.
10. Citations of the references in the body of the paper is in line with IOP template.
11. Proposed method has been clearly explained.
12. The organization of the paper is good.
13. All the figures and graphs given in the paper are in good resolution.
14. All the equations are typed using equation editor software.
15. Reference list is in accordance format. This is most important since we found the wrong format in a lot of papers.
16. Do not include the author(s) biography at the end of the paper.
17. Please do not use first person pronouns such as I, we, us and extra throughout the paper.
18. In the acknowledgement section, do not acknowledge the co-authors and also the affiliated Institute/center.
The camera ready papers in Microsoft office word document shall be submitted to the same mail id (icdsea@gitjaipur.com) as soon as possible. Other formats of the camera ready paper such as pdf alone WILL NOT BE accepted by the ICDSEA ORGANISER. However, the pdf formats will be accepted if the paper had been written in Latex provided that the pdf version of the camera ready paper strictly follows the template.